Cap de Cavalleria – Sanitja – Pregonda

Cap de Cavalleria is the northernmost point of Menorca. Nearby is s’Illa des Porros, an islet with a height of 7,5 meters. In its E side has a rock called es Vaixell and S is a reed with 1,3 meters of water. In general, the entire cove between the Port de Sanitja and Ses Illes Bledes is dirty, with slabs and rocks. The narrow port, about 90 meters, of Santija is an interesting refuge for small boats.

At W side of its entrance is the slab s’Escull de Sanitja. The winds that harm it the most are those of W and NW. Before arriving at the Cavalleria beach you will find the slab s’Escull d’en Vernis, whose passage by land, is very dangerous.

Pregonda, one of the most beautiful places on the island is an open cove, exposed to the winds of the NW. It has some small islets that close it to the N and leaves a difficult passage to the navigation.